However, if there is excess skin, arm lift surgeries are added with surgical incisions that sometimes only hide under the armpits and sometimes extend to the elbow.
In patients with good skin quality and without excessive skin sagging with no elasticity problems, two and sometimes three tiny holes are inserted, fats are removed with a vacuum, and the skin is tightened with a laser. You can return to daily life within 2-3 days immediately after the surgery. What is important here is that the skin, which is accelerated to tighten with the laser effect, adheres to the muscle tissues after the lower fat removal. In most patients, mild folds are usual and expected in the first four months. This situation decreases over time and with massages. However, eventually, without any severe scars, the appearance of excess sagging skin disappears.
In patients without excessive sagging, sometimes only under the armpit can hide the skin fold, but in patients with saggy skin, the excess skin extends to the elbow; it is sure to leave a thin line that extends to the elbow. This scar is especially evident in the first 6-12 months; it fades over time. It should be kept in mind that scarring varies from person to person, depending on hereditary factors, external factors (gravity-smoking-sun exposure ). Nevertheless, it should be known that the arm area is mobile, and although the movement is restricted primarily during healing, it cannot be restricted in the long term. Therefore, arm lift surgery is a surgery in which the scars are prominent and cannot be entirely hidden.
If only liposuction is performed, you will be discharged on the same day. You can return to your social life 3-5 days after the surgery with the corsets used for three weeks in the surgery area. If surgery is added, this period will last 5-7 days and is followed up with simple dressings during this period. After the procedure, it is recommended that the arms are continuously higher than the heart area, and frequent hand exercises are recommended. Severe oedema is expected on the hands and wrists for 3-5 days after the surgery, and this is entirely temporary.
Tight corset use is essential after arm lift surgery. Since the arm skin, one of the loosest skins in the body is circular around the bone; skin sagging is relatively higher due to gravity than other surgeries. Considering this situation, you may feel some tension in your arms after your surgery, which will relax by the first month. Active massages to be performed mainly in the first 3-6 months are very important for adequately adapting your skin. In incision procedures, it is essential to stay away from the sun for the first year and not go out to the sun if necessary to minimize the scar.